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Budget and Schedule

For the purpose of keeping within the projected time and budget, a combined schedule has been submitted in appendix D. This Chart maps the estimated time allowance for certain aspects of the project, as well as the time it actually took to complete.


The proposed cost for this project is estimated at $2,454 not including the trailer or the wind machine. This is a significantly less amount in comparison to the benchmark, the proposed model even includes a handful of features that the benchmark does not, in contrast making it a superior machine. If not for the gracious sponsorship this project is receiving from the HF HAUFF company, several measures would be needed to gain funding from outside sources to complete this project.


The specific dates of individual part completion will be managed by a Gant chart as assigned in the senior project MET495 course. This chart will dictate this project’s particular schedule, time management, and deliverables. This chart is categorized monthly starting in September and ending in June of 2017.

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